156 East Hartford Ave.
Uxbridge, MA 01569
Phone (508) 958-0747       

Before you know it, that old nasty tree is gone

Jamison Mendall - Wood Chipper Service - Massachusetts - (508) 958-0747 www.jmtreeservice.biz

We use an industrial strength heavy-duty wood chipper, but we are also very careful around your yard.

And, even though our chipper is ultra-powerful, it sits on a trailer chassis and it's smaller than a mini-van. This allows us to keep the chipper right nearby to the cut branches - we can most times avoid the need to drag branches across your yard.

Most typically, we use our chipper to remove the branches and waste material when we remove trees and/or shrubs. But if you already have branches in a pile and you want us to remove them, we can do that too!

We clean up the mess, so you don't have to.


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